2018 Coachella Guide


It's time for C O A C H E L L A  2 0 1 8 ! Hopefully you're reading this guide since you'll be going too! Time to get excited! We're a week out from the annual festival, so it's time to finalize logistics, get those last minute accessories and pool floaties! 

This will be my third year attending Coachella Weekend 1, so I can't wait to share my tips to help you have the best weekend possible! Don't hesitate to ask me any questions in the comments below or DM me on Instagram @KelseyThisYear!

In this post I'm going to assume you're already planning on attending the festival - if you're still on the fence, head over to last year's guide here for tips on getting tickets, where to stay, and other logistics!

Let's get started!


Planning + Logistics




The main ways to get to and from the festival are: driving and parking (if you have a DD), via shuttle, or a ride share if you're close enough. I stay in Palm Springs, so grabbing a shuttle tends to be the easiest. Learn more about the shuttles here. Their only downside is the long ride home at the end of the night.  I mention this later in the packing section, but be sure to bring a coat since the wait to get a shuttle in the evening will be cold.



I highly recommend your group going in on a locker together. It's an easy way to store your jackets throughout the day and generally not having to lug things around the festival. Be sure to print your PayPal receipt for quick check in on Friday! Rent lockers here.


What Can You Bring Into the Festival?

Be sure to check out the full list of what you can and can't bring into the festival here. It sounds simple, but you wouldn't want to have to leave your DSLR camera at security or something else of value. If it can't come in - leave it at home!


Pool Parties


Palm Springs is filled with pool parties at various hotels and estates. If you want to attend, RSVP early and then arrive as early as possible to have a better chance of being let in. This post by Travel Grom has a comprehensive list of all of the events, locations and how to RSVP (if possible). If you're planning on doing a day party, be sure to pace yourself since you wouldn't want to crash right as Beyonce is coming on.. am I right?


Outfit guide

Putting together three Coachella-worthy outfits is both my favorite and most stressful part of planning! From the actual clothes, to jewelry, makeup, hair, accessories etc etc there's so much to think about! I recommend going for stylish looks that are comfortable, and tested to dancability. We don't want a wardrobe malfunction so be sure to buy all of the Spanx and boob tape necessary! 

Close-toed shoes are a must. Randos will step on your feet c onstantly and you don't want to get a smashed toenail or anything else to ruin your time.

It'll also get dusty and you'll be sitting on the grass, so maybe don't wear white bottoms without something to sit on. A bandana will cover both of those needs.

Last but far from least is bring a coat! It gets cold in the evenings, so stay warm and bundle up. Another pro tip I noticed last year was to bring leggings with you to put under your dress for the walk home.

Follow me on Instagram to check out my outfits, and shop some of my favorite pieces below!


Shop My Coachella Picks

Scroll right through to check out all of my favs for Coachella!


What to Pack


I've started your packing list for the weekend! If you're camping, you'll want to do some extra research about what to bring for your campsite. 

    Clothes + Style

    • 3+ 'looks'
    • Close-toed shoes
    • Sunglasses
    • Jacket(s) for the evening
    • Bandana
    • Swimsuits
    • Jewelry
    • Purse/Backpack
    • Hat (optional)

    Beauty Essentials

    • Dry shampoo
    • Sunscreen - bring travel sized to bring into the festival
    • Hydrating mist
    • Hair ties
    • Mole skin - for any blisters
    • Advil
    • Hydrating face mask - to use at night
    • Allergy meds


    • Coachella wrist band
    • Portable phone charger + cord
    • Safe place to store your ID + $$
    • Costco Card - you'll definitely want to make a Costco run if you're staying in a house
    • Portable speaker for your AirBnB
    • Pool floaties! (if you have a pool)

    During the Festival

    Arriving to Coachella can be a whirlwind, so here are my tips to make the most of your time at the festival.


    Plan out your schedule and some back up artists who you want to see, and use that as a starting point. It can be hard to traverse the grounds quickly, so keep your schedule simple.

    The food at Coachella is always amazing, so head into the festival early to explore all of the options! Check out all of the 2018 options here.

    Cell service can be challenging, so don't expect to have data the whole time. I typically turn off LTE during the day or even put my phone on airplane mode to save battery. If you do a group text, add a time stamp in each text since others might receive it at different times and you don't want to get your wires crossed especially if you're trying to meet up. Last year the beer garden had wifi, so find a hotspot to post your IG pics.

    Make sure to stay hydrated! It can be hot and you'll be walking and dancing for hours, so be responsible and chug that water! 


    Most importantly have fun and be safe! Everyone's going to Coachella to have fun, so recognize that in everyone's experiences, be nice and make new friends! Who knows who you'll meet from around the world. I hope these recommendations have given you some tips for your upcoming Coachella trip! Leave me a comment if you're going! 




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